Monday Nov 06, 2023
Where Was God: Theology, Religion, Halakha, and Community After the Holocaust with Jerome Chanes
This season of Turn it & Turn it is on the topic of: "Tragedy & Response"
When did the Holocaust come into the consciousness of Jews, in America and in Israel? How did Yom HaShoah come to be, and, for that matter, where did the word “Shoah” itself come from? How were the emerging theologies of the Holocaust (“God is Dead,” “A New Covenant”) crafted? Was there an Orthodox “position” on the Holocaust? What were the halakhic implications of these issues? These and other questions are explored in a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the Destruction of European Jewry on Jewish religious thought and on the Jewish community.
This audio was originally recorded on 11/07/2011 as part of Drisha's commemoration of Kristallnacht.