Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Seek Me and Live: Hasidism and the Spiritual Journey (2/3) with Rabbi Dr. Ariel Evan Mayse
This season of Turn it & Turn it is on the topic of: "Chassidut"
In this session we'll explore a glowing Hasidic interpretation of the Selihot liturgy as a petition that God to be revealed in the process of prayer, and a reinterpretation of Psalm 27, the Psalm of Elul, that addresses the ever-higher vistas of religious seeking. We'll then read a sermon about the infinite journey to grasp new interpretations of Torah, and, finally, we'll close by thinking together about the importance of accepting the natural ups and downs -- or ebb and flow -- of spiritual energy while still continuing along the path.
This audio was originally captured from Zoom 09/03/2020