Friday Nov 24, 2023

Pruzbol: A Talmud Shiur (1/6) with Rabbanit Leah Sarna

This season of Turn it & Turn it is on the topic of: "Shemittah" 

The Mishnah in the fourth chapter of Gittin lists a number of Rabbinic decrees created “mi-penei tikkun ha-olam,” for the betterment of the world. One of those listed is the Pruzbol, instituted by Hillel to encourage Jews to make loans to one another. This course will study the Talmudic discussion of Pruzbol in Gittin 36a-37b, which touches on a series of burning questions like “how was Pruzbol allowed in the first place?” and “should we get rid of it?” In each session we will use a section of the Talmud in Gittin as a jumping off point into parallel texts and medieval commentators. This course is oriented towards students with some experience studying medieval Talmud commentators, but most texts will be presented with translation.

This audio was originally captured from Zoom on 10/18/2021 as part of Drisha's Fall Zman. 

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