Monday Nov 20, 2023

Abraham Joshua Heschel: Human Dignity as a Divine Concern (4/6) with Dr. Dror Bondi

This season of Turn it & Turn it is on the topic of: "Divinity & Humanity"

As Western humans we believe in humanism, but can Jewish tradition contribute something to our understanding of human dignity? There are many Jewish sources on this issue, but can a Jewish perspective on this issue be said to exist? Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) believed that we can develop such an approach. In his view, Jewish philosophy is best deployed not to help the modern Jew to live in the West but to inspire Western civilization with the Jewish perspective on human dignity. This course introduces the philosophy of A. J. Heschel about human dignity as a divine concern. It will include his interpretation of tzelem Elokim as well as his views on racism, religious pluralism, and other issues which reflect his approach to human dignity.

This audio was originally captured from Zoom on 11/09/2020 as part of Drisha's Fall Zman. 

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